Monday, 25 September 2006

Kak Attack II

And yet more photos, I went for another bike ride yesterday and let me tell you I am sorely missing owning a bike with gears. This time I went in the opposite direction, away from the town and towards the ocean. Went through some quite industrial areas and in places the footpath was pretty badly maintained but the area near the water was quite nice. On the way back I took a path along the river and that was much nicer. On the waterfront there is a Marine Research Centre with a grassy area that stretches out into the water and of course lots of big boats to look at. Nothing in the way of a beach though.

Looking back towards the Research Centre.

Looking forwards from the Research Centre.

Just thought this was amusing, till the wind started to get stronger :-O

I think this house belongs to a pirate! The security fencing around it was quite impressive and on each wall there was a crest of two crossed swords! I also thought it looked interesting being clad all in what I think must be copper or bronze due to the tarnish.

Here's part of the path along the river, I saw a few signs saying that there are otters living in it but wasn't lucky enough to see one. I did see lots of fish, a turtle and a big heron though.

Another one taken from the river path, this time I thought the sunset looked good.


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