Saturday, 15 July 2006

Turkey Lurkey

Eight tasty pastries
Seven attempted carpet sales
Six scoops of icecream
Five passport stamps
Four Bazaar bargains
Three chicken kebabs
Two mosque visits
And a couchette all to ourselves!

Bucherest was interesting, so much recent history, but it has to be said that it was a bit dour. Most interesting thing learned there: the toilet paper is just like streamers, you know those pretty coloured crepe paper rolls you use to decorate the house at Christmas, just like that... but without the pretty colours!

Istanbul was fantastic and felt so friendly after Romania, I think Anna and I could be married several times over by now had we so wished it. I was almost tempted, the ice cream man seemed like a pretty good proposition! ;)

In Sofia now and have seen the Cathedral and a big communist monument... I think it must be abou time for an icecream...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkeys are big &fat. So will you and Anna be if you keep on the icecream & pastry diet.

Our first blog aaaaaah!
Go cats tomorrow at SS and its pouring

love rents

5:33 pm  

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